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5 Tips to Help You Break Out of Unemployment

Unemployment has greatly increased after the COVID-19 pandemic, while the remainder of the world’s workforce has shifted its operations online. Finding employment during this time is as tough as entering a competition, where there are many contestants but only one prize. Though, you might find yourself stuck in a ‘quicksand’ situation where the more you try to move, the more you sink in, that shouldn’t stop you from trying.

Pexels | Unemployment is quite difficult for most people

Since the invention of the vaccine, the situation is expected to improve, and new chances for employment may arise, so we’ve rounded up a few tips to help you land yourself a job.

1. Take a Break

For someone who lives a fast-paced life, telling yourself to take a break can sound a bit odd, but it is highly beneficial. The pandemic and unemployment may have caused high levels of stress and anxiety, rendering you to be unable to think straight. Resting can help you get the control back.

2. Rework the Resume

Now that you have time on your hands and a clear mind, your first step towards getting a new job is to redo your resume. Try incorporating new skills that you’ve learned and update them. You can also change them to resonate with a different career path. You can also boost your resume by adding your experience, detailing your work type, responsibilities, and transferrable skills.

3. Network Now

The pandemic has definitely taken a toll on all of us, but there’s always a silver lining. Now that the world has moved to zoom interviews and remote work, you can use this opportunity to connect with people across the world and network. You can use various sites such as LinkedIn that help you find professionals in the same career path as you. Networking can provide you with valued advice from experienced individuals and open new work opportunities.

Pexels | Make good use of social networking apps

4. Partners in Job Hunting

Experts suggest that you can function better with the help of a friend or someone who is also looking for a job. The job hunt can be greatly exhausting and lonesome, but with a friend, you can easily find the motivation and the drive to keep up with the work.

5. Manage your time

Time is money, and you need to be able to spend your time wisely. In order to find a job, you need to schedule your entire day. This can help you in taking the proper amount of time for your work and allow you to be available for yourself and spend time with your loved ones. It can also help you keep track of the time you spent daily.

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These tips help you find a job, but one thing we should not forget is to be kind to ourselves. Times are tough but we shouldn’t let them overtake our emotions and lives.

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